For nearly 20 years, the Data Savers LLC data recovery company has been reliably providing data recovery services to our community of Atlanta, Georgia and beyond.
The Data Savers LLC Mission Statement:
Create a business that consistently has a positive impact on our local community, while also providing our employees with a comfortable living. We knew right away that data recovery was the perfect fit.
Consistency is a Core-Value at Data Savers
When Data Savers LLC first opened our data recovery company in Atlanta, Georgia; Tom Brady had just won his third super bowl ring, George W Bush had been re-elected for a second term as POTUS, and the iPhone would not be invented for another two years.
The world has changed considerably since then, yet Data Savers’ commitment to serving our community has never been stronger. The Data Savers LLC team is dedicated to providing premium data recovery at a fair price to anyone in the Greater-Atlanta metropolitan area who needs help.

What Types of Files Can Data Savers LLC Recover?
To answer the question directly: It depends.
The way an end-user sees their files represented when they plug removable storage into their computer likely paints in inaccurate picture of how the device works. You are witnessing an operating system capable of processing metadata from your storage device. A hard drive’s metadata clearly defines how complex objects (your files) are stored, as well as a prescribed means of accessing them. Only experienced professionals with a data recovery company like Data Savers LLC are capable of rebuilding your metadata in the event of data loss.
If you were to exercise uniquely terrible judgement and open your hard disk drive, put it back together, and attempt to read data from it again, that would likely permanently eliminate your chances of data recovery. NEVER open a hard drive outside of a certified clean room environment.

If you encountered data loss with a laptop, desktop, phone, or even a USB flash drive, don’t hesitate to reach out to the premier Atlanta data recovery company, Data Savers LLC. If our data recovery submission form does not provide all the information we need for an assessment, a Data Savers LLC representative will follow up with additional questions.
Request an Estimate from Data Savers LLC Today!

What is the Most Challenging Aspect of Running a Data Recovery Company?
Data Savers LLC engineers are trained professionals with considerable knowledge of electrical engineering and computer science. Working in a data recovery lab ensures you will see variety in your day to day activities. For example, you may spend two weeks working on data recovery for RAID, or three days fixing a corrupt Western Digital external hard drive with a no bootable devices found error message. You may have assumed spending two weeks tirelessly reconstructing one of the most complex data storage systems ever created would be the most challenging aspect of running a data recovery lab.
That is not the case. The most challenging thing we do at Data Savers LLC is telling clients that they will not be getting back the photos / videos of a loved one who has passed away. Conversely, providing our Atlanta data recovery clients with similar data that we successfully recovered is the best aspect of the job. Fortunately, Data Savers LLC engineers are very good at what we do, so the latter is far more common than the former.
The Data Savers LLC Data Recovery Company Operates a Class 100 ISO-5 Certified Clean Room
Any data recovery laboratory that responsibly services internal hard drive components depends on a clean room environment. The Data Savers LLC data recovery cleanroom enables our team of experienced engineers to open hard drive cases and conduct various data recovery procedures on internal components. If you have been staying up to date with Data Savers’ Articles, you may recall a piece with the title: “Don’t Open Your Hard Drive”. While true for most consumers. This suggestion does not apply to trained professionals conducting clean room data recovery in a certified environment. The following quote illustrates the importance of a professional clean room.
Outdoor air contains some 35,000,000 particles (dust, pollen, etc.) per cubic meter – our clean room cuts that down to just 100.
Source: Data Savers LLC – What is a Data Recovery Clean Room